The 10 basic beauty gestures!

Even before choosing your products and your beauty ritual, it is crucial to adopt certain habits, certain commandments , which can save us a lot of worries!

Here we remind you of the basic beauty steps to follow every day 💫

Some may seem basic, but a little reminder never hurts ;)

1. Wash your hands before starting your routine.

It seems obvious, but it's crucial! We open the bathroom door, touch this and that product, etc. Before touching our face, we scrupulously clean our hands to avoid depositing bacteria and other harmful substances on them.

2. Avoid touching your face during the day

Various studies show that we touch our face on average 250 to 1000 times a day! So many opportunities to deposit bacteria on the skin, which can cause the appearance of pimples or other skin breakouts.

3. Wash your makeup brushes and sponges regularly

In fact, these are in direct contact with the skin on a daily basis. After a few days, they become real breeding grounds for bacteria that can contaminate your skin and cause reactions (spots, redness, etc.).

4. Change your face towel daily

Our towels can also be real breeding grounds for bacteria. So we change them daily, and use a clean one for our face!

5. You don't take your finger care products from a jar

The surface of the skin is covered in bacteria. When you dip your fingers into a cosmetic jar, you deposit thousands of bacteria that will proliferate over the days. This will not only alter the integrity of your product (which will keep for a shorter time), but it also means that you are applying these bacteria to your skin, which can cause skin breakouts.

Consider taking your treatment using a spatula or cotton swab, or opt instead for dosing packaging.

6. Do not place the pipette of your treatment directly on the skin.

Along the same lines: the tip could transfer bacteria from your face to your product. Instead, we'll put a few drops of skincare in the palm of our hand, without contact ;)

photo: Antipodes

7. Disinfect your phone

Our phones go from our hands to our faces multiple times a day. A little daily sanitizer can save our skin from a lot of bacteria!

8. Never pop your pimples.

It's crucial not to give in to temptation! Touching the pimple could encourage bacteria to grow, but you could also leave a scar, which is much more annoying and permanent than a pimple.

9. Never go to bed without washing your face.

..even when you're not wearing makeup, even when you come home (very) late! These few minutes will make all the difference. Indeed, during the night, the pores of the skin open, thus "absorbing" everything that is on the surface of the skin (this is one of the reasons why we can afford to use richer skincare products at night). When the skin is not cleansed, it absorbs impurities, thus increasing the risk of breakouts.

photo Maiwe

10. Do not wash with water that is too hot and do not apply ice cubes directly to the skin.

Water that is too hot can affect the skin's natural protective barrier, making it more sensitive.

Conversely, extreme cold can be dangerous for the skin. We see many trends involving ice cubes applied directly to the skin: this is absolutely not recommended. Massaging your face with an ice cube directly on the skin can cause redness or even burns.

and as a bonus.... 11. Don't forget to sleep well, drink well and eat well

It can never be said enough, beauty is a holistic approach! The best treatments in the world will not bring an optimal result without restful sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Moisturizing your skin with the best ingredients will not compensate for a lack of water, brought from within!

photo Pai

Thinking of something else? What are your beauty commandments? Tell us all about it!

📸: cover photo Madara

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