Detox Yoga: a quick and effective routine to start 2021 off right!

Our body, which has accumulated a large number of toxins over the past year, is now asking to restart on the right foot. This is what yoga allows in particular, a discipline well known to Cécile Janssen, a teacher in Liège: she offers us her detox routine in just a few minutes!

Yoga, a detox practice

In keeping with the times, the practice of yoga truly has detoxifying virtues . This is what Cécile Janssen, a qualified teacher since 2017 from the École de la Ligue Francophone de Hatha-Yoga, who teaches at the ASBL Cytha de Rocourt, explains to us. " Taking up a discipline such as yoga allows for detoxification of the body but also of the mind," she assures us. " Yoga as a whole stretches and tones ; it stimulates the digestive and immune systems , balances the endocrine system, regulates the nervous system and has a positive effect on blood circulation."

“Taking up a discipline like yoga allows for detoxification of the body but also of the mind.”

While course videos are easily accessible online, Cécile Janssen reminds us how important the physical presence of a teacher is: a poorly executed posture can have the opposite effect to the one intended. But then, how can we get started safely in this particular period?

" In these troubled times when group classes are at a standstill, I suggest gentle exercises, especially in winter when the body is less dynamic. Tranquility, serenity and gentleness rather than strength, voluntarism and surpassing oneself," summarizes the professor. She also emphasizes that a very small ritual that we maintain daily is preferable to big resolutions that are quickly abandoned.

“Tranquility, serenity and gentleness rather than force, voluntarism and self-improvement.”

A simple and effective yoga ritual

The routine that Cécile suggests is ideally done in the morning , after a hot shower to relax the back muscles. It is done on an empty stomach or after a large glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice, a citrus fruit that stimulates the activity of the liver and kidneys. It is even better if the water is lukewarm , and if you can add a little ginger, but all this is optional!

Before we begin, our teacher would like to clarify an essential rule of yoga : "If your body signals pain or too much discomfort, listen to these signals and respect your limits by not forcing yourself!"

"If your body signals pain or too much discomfort, listen to these signals and respect your limits by not forcing yourself!"

1. Stretching postures

Standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground, inhale deeply through your nose while growing taller. Exhale through your nose while imagining the breath passing through your body from top to bottom. Repeat 5 times. Remember that deep breathing, which we rarely think about, is very detoxifying . It allows oxygen to circulate in the body and activates digestive functions.

Follow up with Tadâsana , the mountain. With your feet still firmly anchored, raise your hands towards the sky while inhaling and join them above your head. If necessary, place yourself on your tiptoes when raising your arms. Exhale, return to your initial position. Finally, perform a few rotations of the joints (ankles, knees, shoulders, neck).

2. Energy cleaning

"I particularly recommend Nadi Shodana , a cleansing of the energy channels: it effectively protects against colds," explains the yoga teacher. To do it, start by blowing your nose. Then, close the right nostril with your thumb, observe the inhalation through the left nostril, then expel the air in a tonic exhalation , pulling in the stomach, always through the left nostril. Repeat 10 times on the left, then 10 times on the right, and finally 10 times through both nostrils at the same time.

3. Spine wringing and lung cleansing

For Makarâsana , the crocodile pose , lie on your back with both arms crossed. Bend both knees and bring them as close as possible to your chest. Then swing your legs to one side while exhaling in the twist, then to the other; 3 times to the left, 3 times to the right. You have just performed a real "wringing out of your spine". To finish, bring both knees to your chest to recenter yourself .


Stay on your back, relax your legs for the corpse pose ( Shavâsana ) and place one hand on your stomach : observe how it inflates and deflates quietly. Gradually, lengthen the exhalations and pull your stomach in as much as possible. When inspiration is necessary, welcome it. Repeat a few times. "This exercise cleanses the lungs in depth" , explains Cécile Janssen. "It allows the air that stagnates in the pulmonary alveoli to renew itself: it is therefore completely inadvisable to smoke after such exercises".

End your morning ritual gently . "Observe 5 natural and peaceful breaths to finish by relaxing the body well... and to congratulate yourself on these few minutes of attention to yourself , which will allow you to start the day with more serenity and awareness", advises our teacher.

Sarvangâsana , the evening posture with detox virtues

Sarvangâsana , the candle posture, is ideal for detoxification because it reverses blood circulation and relieves the feeling of heavy legs. In addition, it has positive effects on the thyroid: this gland, like a small sponge, is pressed when the chin is tucked in and then re-deployed.

However, there are some contraindications , because the weight of the body rests on the shoulders and neck in this posture: avoid practicing it if you suffer from a major migraine or serious eye problems, if you have low or high blood pressure or even neck or lower back pain.

Starting from a seated position to gain momentum, tilt backwards by projecting your legs. Lean on your elbows, hands at waist height. Breathe calmly for at least 1 minute. When your body gets tired, observe 5 peaceful breaths again in Shavâsana posture to return to calm.

If you can't do this , or if the posture is really too uncomfortable, it's not a problem: lie down on the floor, bring your buttocks against a wall and rest your legs against it.

Now you're ready for a short but ultra-beneficial detox yoga routine!

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