Your routine according to skin chronobiology
Cutaneous chronobiology is a science derived from chronobiology, namely the study of the natural rhythms of our body. Relatively innovative, it proposes to give our epidermis what it needs at the right time by following the circadian rhythm!
Skin chronobiology in four phases
Our skin cells are intelligent: they are able to detect variations in light, and thus adapt throughout the 24 hours that make up the circadian cycle.
It is thus possible to divide a day into four phases, during which the skin's needs vary: morning (between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m.), daytime (between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.), evening (between 6 p.m. and midnight) and finally night (between midnight and 7 a.m.).
The morning
When you wake up, your skin is sensitive and can easily become inflamed . The culprit is cortisol, the level of which rises. Conversely, hydration and cellular activity are no longer there: the epidermis is thirsty and vulnerable!
What matters? Cleanse your face with fresh water to eliminate toxins, tone, then rehydrate, and quickly ! It's about restoring suppleness to your skin and protecting it to prepare it for the day ahead.
This is the perfect time to apply an anti-pollution serum , like Antipodes' Blessing or Worship , before your usual moisturizer. Don't forget your sunscreen , tinted or not ! Always adapt everything to your skin type .
The day
The cells regenerate very little. The skin is hydrated and can even shine, especially around 12 o'clock, when sebum peaks.
The key word: let it breathe! If it feels tight during the afternoon, don't hesitate to use a moisturizing mist like the Daily Defense Moisture Mist Evolve to relieve it. If, on the contrary, you feel the need to mattify it , apply a little powder . You can also anticipate this situation in the morning thanks to the Phyt's Pureté Mattifying Cream .
The evening
Subjected for a longer or shorter period of time to pollution, sweat, and makeup , the skin suffocates and becomes dull: the pores are clogged. Fortunately, this is also the time when the melatonin level is highest and when the skin regenerates best (especially between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.).
So after having cleaned it well so that it can breathe (we first use a fatty substance to remove makeup, then a facial soap to free the pores), we nourish the skin and take advantage of its increased receptivity to targeted care ! Manuka honey mask , serum for a radiant complexion with carrot macerate or anti-imperfection , anti-stress gel-cream with probiotics and hyaluronic acid... In short, pamper your skin in its specificity!
The evening is also the best time to do a gentle exfoliation (never exfoliate your skin in the morning!) .
The night
As nature is well made, when we rest, the skin wakes up: the cells of the epidermis renew themselves . Its peak of regeneration is reached between midnight and 1 a.m. Micro-circulation is activated to reoxygenate and detoxify : it is particularly intense between midnight and 4 a.m. The epidermis quickly loses its water - a loss that must be compensated for when we wake up!
Your skin therefore benefits from the active ingredients that you offered it before going to bed. The best service that you can then provide to your skin is... to have a long, well-deserved night ! It needs this time of sleep to complete its cycle and shine every day.
Ready to follow your body's natural rhythm to reveal your beauty?
Source: DAUBET C. and LAVAGNE S., Beauty Book: feeling good in my skin season after season, Webedia Books, 2020.
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