Interview with... Frédéric Birault, alias Fred
Super Parisian hairdresser Frédéric Birault, whose Cut by Fred hair care range continues to gain new fans, agreed to play the Chinese portrait game for us. So if he were...
A hair color? I would be blonde, like a surfer.
A timeless feminine cut? Gisele Bündchen’s wavy!
A perfume? A baby or fig perfume! Hmmmm...
One of the personalities you have styled? Mélanie Laurent, for her Swiss army knife side, jack of all trades, who expresses herself on many levels!
A product from your own Cut by Fred range? I would be my Curl Cream to coat all the curls in the world!
One of the cities you visited? Tel Aviv... I like it so much...
A quote? “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself,” by Coco Chanel.
A Belgian personality? Virginie Effira! She makes me laugh so much in real life!
A song? "We don't change" by Celine Dion.
An animal? My dog, Leon Poker Face !
One of Mahalo's bestsellers? I'd be a reusable cotton swab !
What if you were a hairdresser? Um... I don't know what to say except "myself".
Find other interviews with the founders of our most beautiful brands very soon on the Notebook!